Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hidden Packages: Portland

Note: Some descriptions may not correspond with the map
1: Drive north to the end of the path on Harwood.
2: Harwood, roof of Head Radio Station.  Get there by jumping off the tracks.
3: St. Mark's, on top of the Amco gas station.
4: St. Mark's, inside EASY CREDIT AUTOS.
5: Portland Beach, at Salvatore's Mansion.
6: On a ledge below Salvatore's Mansion.
7: Behind the building of Hepburn Heights Towers.
8: In parking lot near El Burro phone in Hepburn Heights.
9: Between trees in Hepburn Heights.
10: One block south from Amco gas station in a small parking lot in St. Mark's.
11: Building facing large potholes in St. Mark's.
12: Park in St. Mark's.
13: Roof of building next to Luigi's Sex Club 7 in Red Light District.
14: Roof of Luigi's Sex Club 7.
15: Roof opposite Luigi's Sex Club.
16: Subway in Chinatown in the bathrooms.
17: Rush Construction Company in Red Light District.
18: Long alleyway in St. Mark's.
19: Tramp Tunnel in St. Mark's.
20: Roof of Supa Save in Portland View.
21: Alley behind Hong Hung Inc. in Chinatown.
22: Chinatown roof.
23: Alley behind Roast Peking Duck in Chinatown.
24: Inside the gates of the Bitch 'N' Dog Food Factory in Trenton.
25: Roof of Liberty Pharmaceutical in Trenton.
26: Roof of Portland Docks.
27: In a yard in Trenton.
28: Front of Joey's Garage in Trenton.
29: Power Plant in Callahan Point.
30: Roof of sawmill in Trenton.
31: Behind Turtle Head Fish Co. in Callahan Point.
32: At the end of the pier in Atlantic Quays.
33: Island just south of Portland (accessible by boat).

Although I have maintained the numbering from the Walkthrough and the
Bradygames strategy guide, I have tried to group packages together where
they are all in roughly the same area.

1. From your hideout, go left, cross the carriage way (this is just my quaint
English way of saying cross the highway) and the grass verge to get to
the shoreside. Go right and all the way to the end.

2. From your hideout, go left, cross the carriage way and look for the
stairs to the elevated railway on the right. Jump onto the tracks and go
right along the raised central section (to avoid getting hit by the
trains.) After a LONG trek jump onto the roof of the Head Radio building
(easily identified by the large radio mast) and pick up the package
(along with the flame thrower.)

The next group of packages are in the Saint Marks area. Leave your
hideout and make a right and another right. Go left at the lights and
then right through the parking lot with the phones. Go left and follow
the road around, go left and then right to spot the Amco gas station
across the road from the fire station.

3. Jump up onto the walls at the entrance to the gas station and walk
along and around the walls until you can jump onto a roof. Take a
running jump onto the next roof the pick up the package. There is some
health in the fore court if you need it after taking these tumbles.

4. From the gas station circle around the back to find the Easy Credits
Auto showroom. Use a car to break through the glass windows to pick up
another package and a tasty sports car.

10. From here make a quick left and right to the building immediately on
your left. Go round the back to the left to find another package.

11. From this buildings entrance go right, right , and right again until
you see a building with scaffolding and piles of earth. Hop up the left
hand pile to discover the package.

12. From outside this building go right and follow the road as it curves
around to the top of a hill. Pull into the small park on the right hand
side. Go up and over the sloping roof to find the next package. If you
continue over the next roof you will find a shotgun.

18. From where you entered the park right and just after 2 major roads
(marked on the map) you will see a long narrow alley through an archway.
Go down here and take the gap on the right to locate the uzi and another

Now we are jumping back to 5 and 6 on the list.

5. From the park where you found package 12, cross the road to find the
entrance to the godfather's mansion. Go along the drive and then up the
steps on the right of the garages to the verandah. Follow this around to
the left and you will come to another package.

6. As you go back down the steps from the verandah, turn right and
descend the steep slope (carefully!) to the beach. Go right along the
sand and then up to a small ledge next to the big hole in the cliffs for
your 10th package. Now you are the proud owner of the pistol.

7,8 and 9 on the list are back in Hepburn Heights near your hideout.

From your hideout go right and past the first turning. Then go right
into the grounds of the apartment block. Turn left at the plank ramp and
go right around the back of the building.

Now if you are feeling daring rev up your car and take the jump to land
in the parking lot next to the phones. Jump into the little island to
find the next package.

Then go across the lot and over the road into the trees on the slope.
Hidden amongst the foliage is another package.

13, 14 and 15 are in the same small area of the red light district. Use
the steps around the back of Luigi's to find one of them on the roof.
Then jump across next to the billboard and walk along right to the end of
the next roof for another one. Cross the road from Luigi's and go round
to the left of Woody's to find an alley and another set of steps. Climb
these to get to the final package of this group.

17. From in front of Luigi's go ahead and then make a left. To the left
of the large T junction is an empty building with glass windows you can
smash to get inside and pick up the next package.

16. Directly opposite the Rush Construction building is the entrance to
the subway in China Town. You will need to complete all the missions for
Portland before this opens up and you can go down to get the package in

We stay in China Town for the next 3 packages (21, 22, 23)

I found that I got lost very easily in this area so my directions may
sound a little strange but they all start from the hideout (a nice fixed

From the hideout take a left and then count the turnings off to the left
and take number 6. Go left again and park outside the Hong Hung Inc
building. Go down the alley with the bollards. For those of you
unfamiliar with the term 'bollard' this is a short concrete post used to
prevent vehicles entering an alleyway or other area.

From the hideout take a left and then count the turnings off to the
left and take number 7. Follow the road around a curve and park next to
the Roast Peking Duck. There is a package in the alleyway next to this

Finally from the hideout take a left and then count the turnings off to
the left and take number 6. Immediately on the right is a yard with some
steps. Go up the steps and onto the roof where there is the final
package of this trio.

Now you have 20 packages and the Uzi.

The next group of packages are in the delightful industrial area of
Trenton. Make your way to the Easy Credit Auto showroom and go to the
left to find an abandoned tunnel screened by shrubbery. Mow down the
tramps in the middle of the tunnel and pick up the package they are
surrounding (19)

The next package is on the roof of the Supa Save store at the end of the
tunnel (20) Climb the steps at the back of the store and go right and up
onto the elevated railway tracks. A short way along the tracks you can
jump off to the right onto the roof and pick up the package.

Retrace your steps to the elevated railway tracks but this time carry on
along the tracks past the Supa Save store until you see the Liberty
Pharmaceuticals factory to your left (it has two large chimneys to
identify it.) You will see a girder projecting towards the roof.
Position yourself on the girder and take a running jump off it onto the
roof of the factory. The roof is extensive so go towards the chimneys
and then right to find the next package (25) and other goodies.

Look across the street to see the gates of the Bitchn' Dog Food factory.
Jump down, go through the gates and around the left side of the building
to find package 24.

Now turn right outside the gates and cross the road to get to the front
of Joey's garage. Cross the road again and jump over the low wall and go
right to discover package 28.

From the yard of this building face the Liberty Pharmaceuticals sign and
go right, crossing the road until you see the Bus Company depot on your
right. Jump on the low wall around the depot and go along to the end and
jump over the next wall into the yard of the Saw Mill.

Climb the sawdust heap and cross several sloping roofs until finally you
go up a blue slope and locate the package at the edge of the final roof

Look across the street to see the Power Plant. Jump down and go around
left to find the entrance. Go around the side of the building to pick up
yet another package (29)

From where you picked up this package, jump down to the entrance to
Callahan Bridge. Go forward and take the first right. Go through the
entrance to your right, along to the end, go left at the ramp and
finally find package 27. This set of directions seems to be causing a
few problems. When you jump down off the Power Plant wall you should
have the Power Plant wall at your back, the bridge on your left and be
facing towards China Town. Walk forward and take the first turning you
come to on your right. Then go right through the first entrance you come

For the next package you will need to steal a triad fish van. They are
easily identified by the Belly Up slogan on the side. There are always
plenty around in China Town. Drive towards the Callahan Bridge and the
Power Plant, go left, right ad right again. Look for the dirt track
through the trees on the left and follow it to the gates of the fish
company. The gates will open for you and drive around to the left and
behind the building to get the package (31) Warning! The triads in the
yard will NOT be friendly so don't stay to chat with them.

Leave the dirt road and turn right and right again. Go along to the end
of this road and turn right by the large green building. Go all the way
along to the end of the pier to get package 32.

Now you have 30 packages and grenades!

Go back along the pier and turn right and right again. Then two more
right turns to enter the main gates of Portland docks. Go right and down
beside the ship. Up the stairs and onto the roof of the large building
and then jump across to the awning of the other building to get package
26. I was only able to make this jump by forcing a small, powerful
sports car up the stairs, onto the roof and jumping it across the gap.
However a kind soul pointed out that there is an adrenalin pill nearby
which will give you the strength the make the jump.

The last 2 packages must wait until you have finished all the missions
on Portland. As you leave the island by boat take time to land at the
small rocky island that is near the jetty where you start your voyage.
Package 33 is shipwrecked there.

Once you get to Staunton and have found your new hideout you will need
to take the newly opened subway to China Town to pick up package 16.

From the hideout take a right and go along to the end of the road. Bear
left and right at the lights and then go along to the end. The subway
entrance in on the right next to some billboards.

You can take the bridge if you like but showing your face in China Town
will attract unwanted attention from the triads.

Check your stats to make sure you have a total of 33 packages!

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